Rosewood Santos Veneer – Flat Cut

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Scientific Name:  Machaerium spp.

Other names: Pau Ferro, Morado, Moradillo, and Bolivian Rosewood.

Source: Bolivia and Brazil.

Color:   Heartwood lustrous, chocolate brown, red, pink, dark violet, and black, often streaked with black.

Pattern:  Straight to irregular grain, medium fine to coarse textured. Often looks similar to Brazilian Rosewood. Occasionally it will have the interlocking “landscape” designs, mottle figure, as well as “ears”.

Characteristics:  Fine textured, Heavy, hard, compact, with small pores barely visible.

Uses:  Furniture flooring, cabinetwork, interiors, plywood, speaker cabinets, musical instruments, and specialty items.

Santos Rosewood Veneer

Santos Rosewood Stereo Speaker Cabinets

Santos Rosewood shares many characteristics of true rosewoods including its colors, working properties, and density. It glues better and is less expensive than other true rosewoods.

Santos Rosewood is not a true rosewood as the scientific name does not have Dalbergia in it, but rather it is a part of the Macherium genus which has about a dozen species. It originates mainly from Bolivia. The origin of the name Santos Rosewood, comes from the port of Santos in Brazil, which is the port where it was shipped from to overseas destinations.

For more information visit  The Wood Database

See also our furniture length logs under Pau Ferro at

Item ID: 6100

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6100 Log: 58204
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