Rosewood, Brazilian

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Item ID           6000


Scientific Name: Dalbergia Nigra

Other names: Jacaranda, Rio Rosewood, Bahia Rosewood

Source: Brazil’s Atlantic Coast Forest

Color:   Various shades of dark brown, orange, salmon, chocolate, to violet; conspicuous black streaks.

Pattern:  Streaks of dark brown or black pigment lines

Characteristics:  Rather large pores are exceedingly irregular both in size and position.

Uses:  Furniture, cabinetwork, panels, and musical instruments.

Status: Brazilian rosewood is listed in CITES Appendix I, which is the most restrictive appendix, and also includes finished products made of the wood. Pre-Cites stock can still be traded in the U.S. without restrictions, but exporting it requires CITES permits.


Please call Jim Martin for current availability of other logs.

Item ID: 6000

Please click on an individual log to see complete details.

ID # Description
6000 Log: 7830 Vintage $3.80 psf
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