Hard maple (Acer saccharum) is one of the most versatile hardwood species in the industry. Maple Veneer is prized for its bright white sapwood, light red-brown heartwood, and subtle grain pattern, Hard Maple is desirable for a variety of applications.
Typically, Hard Maple grows plentifully from Minnesota to Maine, as far north as Canada, and as far south as Kentucky. While quality can be found in Hard Maple sourced from throughout its vast growing region. Depending on the application, Hard Maple sourced from these regions might be more advantageous than another, due to the fact that these regions typically experience long winter seasons and shorAcer saccharumt summers which result in nice, tight grain patterns.
Since it is so readily available there are a variety of common uses for Hard Maple. Most commonly it is used in the production of flooring, cabinets, furniture, musical instruments, toys, and woodenware. Hard Maple Veneer paints and stains well which makes it is a very popular choice for cabinet makers since it can be stained to mimic other species such as Walnut and Cherry and can be painted white (or other colors) which is the current trend in the cabinetry industry.
Hard Maple Veneer is also a popular choice in the sports industry as it is sometimes used in snowboards, skateboards, gymnasium flooring, bowling alleys and pins, and Hard Maple recently has overtaken Ash in the production of baseball bats!
Item ID 3700
Species Name Acer saccharum
Other Names: Hard Maple, sugar maple, rock maple, hard rock maple, black maple, northern maple, Canadian maple.
Source: Northwest USA, Lake states, Canada.
Color: Cream to light reddish-brown heartwood, thin white sapwood, tinged with reddish brown.
Pattern: Usually straight grained; fine textured.
Characteristics: Heavy, hard, tough, close-grained.
Uses: Furniture, flooring, interiors, cabinetwork, decorative veneer.
Log Number: 391161-2
Quantity: 2,485
Unit: sf
Unit Price: $0.30
Total Price: $745.50
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